Sometimes, the most attractive part of your landscape can be what isn’t there.

What we’re talking about is the absence of crabgrass and other annual weeds – those infamous invaders of otherwise manicured lawns, flower beds, and foundation plantings.

Sprouting from seed each year, annual crabgrass quickly puts down roots and develops into a variety of unsightly clumps of stalky stems with grasping leaves. Creeping over the edges of walks and drives, and even climbing fences, annual crabgrass generally gives the properties it invades a ragged look.

A single crabgrass plant can produce between 2,000 and 4,000 seeds in just one year. That’s why it’s so important to stop this problem before it really gets started.


The trouble with controlling crabgrass is that the time to deal with it is when it’s still invisible – in the spring.

Why bother? After all, you can’t see the problem…yet. However, if a lawn is left untreated, when the hot weather cranks up and your good turf is under stress, crabgrass will have the last (and loudest) laugh.

Virtually every lawn has some crabgrass or annual grass seed waiting for the right conditions to sprout and spread. The very best cure is prevention. One or more treatments in the spring and early summer should keep this invader out of your lawn.

Did You Know?


Unlike honeybees, bumblebees don’t die after they sting. In fact, since their stinger has no barb, they can sting you several times in a row if you aren’t careful!

It’s unlikely that a bumblebee will sting you unless you threaten the bee or its nest. Stay out of its way, and you’ll be safe.