Fall days can be glorious. Warm and bright autumn afternoons are great for soccer and football games. They coax us into squeezing in one more cookout or round of golf. In the midst of all that fun, it’s easy to forget about your lawn. While fall yard cleanups can be a buzzkill, keep in mind that nice weather this time of year is fleeting, so you may as well take care of it now.

Fall cleanup is more of a preparation for the following spring than a culmination of the current year’s activity. Typically, the biggest cleanup task at this time of the year is leaf removal. Thick blankets of leaves left to lie can damage grass by blocking out needed sunlight, thus weakening the turf’s viability. If left on the ground through the winter, fallen leaves can also render your lawn more susceptible to winter damage.

Cutting back perennials and removing dead or dying branches from trees and shrubs will help prepare both for go-time in the spring. Moving flower pots indoors, or at least under cover, will prevent moisture from destroying them over the winter. If you wait too long to tidy up your lawn for the fall, chances are that it will never happen. So when the weekend’s gorgeous weather forecast conjures up all sorts of fun possibilities, be sure to devote some of that time towards your lawn – it is more than worth it!

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