Spruce Up Your Backyard For Fall

A backyard can get serious use in the summertime, and it should! However, when it comes time to ready the space for the fall season, some tender loving care may be necessary. Here are our tips for transitioning seasons and sprucing up your backyard for fall.


Ready The Pool

Depending on your preferences, the pool can still be in use as the weather cools, but prepping in the meantime will guarantee that the deck and water stay both useful and attractive. Deflate any pool inflatables that are no longer in use, and skim the surface of the water to prepare it for its protective winter weather cover. If you own a fire pit, clean out the ash to prepare it for entertaining, and cool evenings spent enjoying its warmth and roasting smores. 

Harvest Summer Foods

Late summer and early fall will require attention to crops, both old and new. Fruits and vegetables that thrived in the summer can be swapped out for winter varieties such as leafy greens, peas, and root vegetables. On the other hand, tomatoes, broccoli, winter squashes, and other seeds planted in the heat of the summer are nearing ripeness, so keep a watchful eye under their leaves. Accenting the food with flowers is not only a gorgeous option, but pairing flowers and edible garden plants can yield healthier foods, due to the nutrients in the soil. 

Switch Fabrics and Decorations

As an easy move for sprucing up outdoor furniture or entertaining areas, pull out the cushion sleeves and seasonal pillows and arrange them to your liking. Dried plants and flowers are plentiful and available in home goods stores everywhere, and are a no-fuss option for patios and backyard tabletops. Muted browns and oranges, yellows and reds, and other neutral hues are perfect for the upcoming season change. Plus, don’t forget about Halloween and Thanksgiving decor! 

Tend To The Lawn

Now is the time to spruce up your lawn for chilly temperatures and pending snowfall. Preparing the grass for winter will effectively clear the area and leave it clean and prepped for leaves and other debris that accommodates the fall season. Consult an expert to determine if the grass needs fertilizing or aerating, and to create a schedule for maintenance.

Contact Blue Tree

Fall is one of our favorite seasons, and we want to help you get ready! At Blue Tree Landscaping, we offer seasonal clean-up services to keep your lawn – and the whole yard – healthy and beautiful all year long. Call or visit our website to get started today!

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